Streets of rage remake walkthrough
Streets of rage remake walkthrough

streets of rage remake walkthrough

Turbo-boosting through enemies is fun, and it feels like a nice "keep the gameplay fresh!" diversion, as these games generally used to have. Oh, and I don't mind the Vehicle segments. Remix'd music is great too, doesn't sound like it's "trying too hard" as the music in Sonic 4 did, for example. It's way too popular for indie efforts to indulge going overboard with those kinda things, but this team has apparently kept it appropriate to the original games, and for that, I thank them. Nothing worse than a few "Damn"s and "ass" in the story text, the grafitti in the BG is more whimsical than insulting (Y.Signal Rules Ok), and the jokes in between stages are just right. I'm really glad the game is maintaining a lighthearted personality, too. only to remember I could change it as desired. it's funny, as when I played Skate, I kinda lamented that his back grapple (the head drum beatdown) didn't use the SoR 2 SE. The attention to detail in the options is also fantastic! Setting shadows, sound effects, special effects. It actually feels real appropriate to have them in this game. Why do I like running in this remake, more than I did in 3? Oh, and it's great having the Police attacks back, they really help with some of the more annoying bosses. Could work for a true sequel, with a zoomed out, or wider field, but not for this project here. The large sprites and wide special attacks would turn it into a "Hey, stop hitting me!" nightmare. I don't think 3 or 4 player would really be good for SoR. If they added any more moves (OTG attacks, new grapples on Up or Down directions, etc), I'd wish they just came standard with the characters. I think the huge amount of stages does exactly what RPG elements normally do (give a game legs), but in a way that makes sense in SoR.


While I loved them in, say, Guardian Heroes, I like having full characters in an SoR. I'm rather glad the game doesn't have too many RPG elements to it, personally. Specific letters falling off of signs, glasses breaking and lights swaying when doing throws, varied reflections, Double Dragon 2-like Helicopter stage, etc. Which makes it nice to see that even the males getting some nice secondary animation as well (shirts and hair billowing, things like that.) Stage interactivity is very nice, too. The greatest revelation of 2D pixel animation in the past 10 years is apparently boob bounce. The small little changes to combo-timing and animation between character is overall very well done, as well. Love that they kept his SoR gut-rending uppercut, nice to see such a mechanic in SoR2/3 style. The remade Adam is quite awesome, and he feels like you'd expect him to in a new SoR. Now that I finally get a chance to play it, I must say, they made some really good decisions with this game. Lat time I tried to DL this, it didn't work on my computer! VERY happy it's actually working now!


You really should check it out: ĮDIT: Download links on the website have been removed: Sixfortyfive made an AWESOME guide about the game and the different options/behavior. I'm literally speechless - I though this project was abandoned when 4.01 came out. If you ever liked any Streets of Rage from the Genesis era, you HAVE to at least look the website up, as you won't be disappointed. I'm really impressed with the work these guys did. Different routes to choose from right from the beginning, meaning you'll encounter different stages from different iterations of the game in each route, along with extra alternate path decisions inside those routes. There's unlockable characters, cheats and extras, available on a shop that opens up after you beat the game for the first time.

streets of rage remake walkthrough

All the music from all the games was re-arranged, but never making it sound out of place. All the different behaviors from the original games are available, along with a myriad of options that allow you to tell the game how you want it to behave: like SoR2 or SoR3, and in some cases even SoR1.Īll of the Streets of Rage 1 stages and enemies were redrawn into the SoR2 and 3 style. The engine is build from scratch with the goal to mimicking the SoR engines, providing different experiences depending on your personal preferences.

streets of rage remake walkthrough

To make a long story short, this is Streets of Rage 1, 2 and 3 (along with extra original stages) bundled in one pack.


Streets of Rage Remake is a homage to what's regarded as the best Beat'em'up series from the Genesis (Mega Drive), Streets of Rage (in Japan, Bare Knuckle).Īfter 8 years of hard work by the BomberGames community, the final version of the game is finally available for FREE for everyone to enjoy, on the BomberGames website:

Streets of rage remake walkthrough